The situation on station is getting a bit challenging with the lack of regular replenishments. We've been over a month without fresh fruit and I'm starting to get worried about scurvy in the island residents. Fortunately the Coast Guard agreed to fly out some critical supplies and move some personnel. Unfortunately an engine failure on landing prevented the plane from taking off the same night as planned. The benefit was having many hours to update my replacement instead of having to cram everything into a few minutes.
USCG C-130 at the old Naval Air Field - Midway hanger |
Flying the Coast Guard 'colors' at the Midway House |
I fully expected that the repair wouldn't be able to happen locally and we'd need another plane. So imagine my surprise when we were ordered the airfield the following day to embark.
First Officer walking the wing between the props |
Walking the left wing, to the right of the prop |
Homeward bound! So many emotions ...
Welcome home weary traveler!